I. Background
This program is about introducing the culture of Indonesia from west to east, north to south, by presenting the people from the specific ethnic (behavior, tradition, habit, activity etc); arts; traditional songs, traditional dance, food, industry to achieve the objectives:
- Creating people awareness about Indonesian culture which is unique and interesting
- To inform and give knowledge about variety tradition of Indonesian
- To conserve Indonesian culture which is pure in this modernity
- To promote Indonesia according to International, support tagline “Visit Indonesia 2010”
II. Title
EXIT (Exotic Indonesian Tradition)
III. Target Audience
Age : Youth (19-24), Adult (24-50)
Sex : All
Religion : All
Social grade : A, B, C
Occupation : Students, worker, cultural or environmental organizations
Life style : Adventurer, traveler, soft TV program audiences.
IV. Show Format
Weekly show
Day : Saturday
Time : 09.00 - 09.30
V. Tone and Style
The tone of the program will be semi-formal chat from host for studio, host for VT, and also the field reporter. The language tone for host is friendly but sure, highlighting information for each culture represent.
VI. Show Treatment
There will be 4 Segments in each episode:
• 3 VT about the culture
• 1 host for culture VT. Host for the VTs and host for studio is the same person.
• 1 field reporter who will have chat with modern Indonesian.
• Taping Camera movement:
– Steady shoot: medium close up, medium shoot, full shot.
– Angle: Eye level
• Coverage camera movement:
– Point of view
– Establish shoot, wide shoot, long shoot, full shoot, medium shoot, medium close up
– Panning, Zooming
– Angle: Eye level, high angle, low angle
Bumper in-out:

Music illustration:
There will be back sound music depend on the situation of the program. The music is given to create the videos become more alive and brought the audience feel deep down the situation.
Our program has different back sound music at each segment. For the cultural videos (VT), there will be Sundanese music for back sound, complete with bird chirping sound effect. But no wonder if pop music is also present at the cultural videos which show more casual information. Different back sound music also could be heard at the segment which focused on chat with modern people. The music get more beat on it.
Credit title:
Producer : Dyah Eka Saptaria
Director : Anita Theresia
Producer Assistant : Monika A. Rahmadona
Script writer : Anita Theresia
Floor director : Claudia Novita Tanod
Cameraman : Monika A. Rahmadona
Donovan Savier
Switcher : Felix Saputra
Editor : Dyah Eka Saptaria
Ward-drobe : Claudia Novita
Equipment : Felix Saputra
Host : Anita Theresia
Reporter : Felix Saputra
Voice Over : Anita Theresia
Nicky Nugroho
Photographer : Tedian Putra
1. Research File
Information background for our program is get from internet, book, magazine cultural event, Mrs. Dewi (neighbors), Mr. Agus (Tour Guide), Ayah Mursid/Mursid’s Father (Baduy Tribe Leader), and Mr. Amir Hadi (PR of POLDA BANTEN), also from Council Board of Baduy.
2. Studio Plan
In our studio, we have a good lighting, ethnic and hand-made property from Baduy, and also our setting is feels like home. We use one chair and one desk, that is for the host to feel convenient. We also make the studio setting in semi formal concept, based on the culture theme per-episode, so the host and the audience can fell interesting and enjoy during our show. We use 2 cameras to get two different angles for studio taping.
Property List:
• 1 Pcs Chair
• 1 Pcs Desk
• 1 Pcs Frame Photo
• Backdrop 2 x 5 meters
• 2 Pcs Ornamental Plants
• 1 Set Bamboo
• 3 Pcs Baduy Scarves
• 6 Property Lamps
• 2 Cameras, and
• Other Marchendise from Baduy
VII. Structure
Segment 1
This segment gives based information about the culture that is being the theme on that episode. Based information for example: where the ethnic locate, the background, general information about the culture, such as: the population, people, art, music, what used to be unique, etc. All information also presented with video tape (VT) and voice over (VO), to complete and could make more credibility for the information present in each episode. In the first episode, this segment is giving the background of Baduy.
Segment 2
This segment titled “citizen awareness”. In the middle of Indonesian people which has grown intellectually, in fact, Indonesia still safe the cultural side which is pure. However, are citizen aware about their own traditional culture or understand enough about them? This segment focuses on it. There will be a field reporter that will have convey with modern Indonesian (especially they who live in capital city, Jakarta) to complete the mission of conclude how much the citizen know about the culture that will be the theme of the episode. For example, in first episode, they will be asked a question like: what do they know about Baduy culture.
Segment 3
In this segment, the host will have a conversation with person who has special command of the culture. The Baduy call it as their Pu’un. Pu’un is the liaison between The Baduy and the outside world (outside Baduy). The interview will take place in Baduy and will be talking more about The Baduy. In the middle of the conversation, there will be photos and videos to complete and visualize what the information giving by the speaker (Pu’un).
Segment 4
This segment is about the host journey around The Baduy. She acts like a traveler and she gives information whatever she sees along the way. Videos will present naturally picture, so it could provide the pure condition about the ethnic.
VIII. Story Board
IX. Script
Cast : Host
Audio : 1 WHM
Camera 2 : Full shoot
Host :
“Good morning, audience. In the next 30 minutes, with me Anita Theresia, we’ll be with you in this program, EXIT, Exotic Indonesian Traditions, a program which will show you all about the colours of Indonesia’s culture intimately.”
“At this first episode, I will bring you to rural place in Banten, which is lived group of people that really keep their tradition and culture. They are Baduy Ethnic."
Segment 1
Cast : Host
Audio : 1 WHM
Camera 1 : Medium close up
Host :
“Do you want to know more about Baduy? For the beginning, let us see a short narration what The Baduy in Indonesia is like, by this video. Let’s see!”
VT 1 – Background of Baduy
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
The Baduy are a traditional community living in the western part of the Indonesian province of Banten, near Rangkasbitung, about 100 kilometers southwest of Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city. Their population of about 7200 people is centered in the Kendeng mountains at an elevation of about 400 meters above sea level.
The Baduy people are a reclusive tribal group that has lived a relatively undisturbed, traditional lifestyle in a closed society for more than 400 years until the recent encroachment of economic and social pressures from the outside world. There are so many things to do without electricity by this community.
The Baduy speak a dialect derived from archaic Sundanese. They are divided into two sub-groups: the Inner Baduy and the Outer Baduy. Chiefly, the difference between the Inner Baduy and the Outer Baduy is the number of rules and regulations they must follow. The Inner Baduy are more stringent in following the customary laws that have been passed down through the centuries than Outer Baduy brothers and sisters. The Outer Baduy serve as a gateway to the “Baduy World” for the outside, especially in its system of governance, and they are more flexible in their lives.
Even today, despite the ways that government tried to force them to change their lives and build modern schools in their territory, the Baduy opposed the government. As a result, very few Baduy are able to read or write.
There are also some of traditional hand-made art that Baduy present in a very primitive technique using rattan. This daily activity is also to preserve their ethnic history and values. Woven arts that they produce usually used to wear as clothes and man bag which named Koja.
Commercial Break
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
Segment 2
Cast : Host
Audio : 1WHM
Camera 1 : Medium shoot
Host :
“In the middle of Indonesian people which has grown intellectually. In fact, Indonesia still safe the cultural side which is pure. Baduy ethnic is the one of it. However, are citizen aware about Baduy culture or understand enough about them?”
“My partner, Felix, in his live report will check it. Please, Felix.”
VT 2 – Citizen Awareness
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
Segment 3
Cast : Host
Audio : 1 WHM
Camera 2 : Full shoot
Host :
“Thank you, Felix. Wow, in fact the citizen have their own understanding about Baduy culture.”
“Now, I’ll bring you to visit Baduy directly, which I had an opportunity to have exclusive conversation with head of Baduy community. We’ve talked much about the culture, society, and tradition. Check it out!”
VT 3 – Exclusive interview with Head of Baduy community
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
Questions to ask:
1. Could you tell me what is Baduy, or some background information about Baduy Ethnic?
2. People here are dressed so unique. Is there a particular history how you dressed up?
3. How Baduy people communicate with neighbourhood or even intern between the tribal?
4. What is the language you communicate?
5. How about the traditional handmade or what do you do for living?
6. What is an activity usually doing by the people here in Baduy?
7. What is the religion that the people of Baduy adhere to?
8. Is it true there is a special common or special occasion based on the religion or something?
Commercial Break
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
Segment 4
Cast : Host
Audio : 1 WHM
Camera 1 : Full shot
Host :
“The remote Kanekes Village in Banten, East Java, is filled with steep hills where sugar palm trees bamboo and wild grass surround a small mountain trail. This is the path leading to the village of the Baduy People, an indigenous tribe that lives a strictly traditional life. The area is surrounded by rough mountainous terrain that requires considerable physical effort to trek through.”
Camera 2 : Medium close up
Host :
“This segment, I will show you my trip in Baduy which was really excited. Here we are!”
VT 4 – Baduy Trip
Cast : VT
Audio : VT
There is a tradition of using rattan, cotton for hand-woven cloths in Baduy. The people of Baduy is still doing this manual weaving in a very primitive technique. The weaver sits on the ground and stretches her legs in horizontal positioned. While seated, she applies the weft threads from one side to the other with stick. This woven method has a special names of its own; Tenun Aros, which literally means: weaving and the noise of loom.
Baduy houses
Baduy houses are uniformly simple, constructed only of natural materials, such as bamboo and palm thatching, without windows, and are devoid of any furniture, chairs, tables or other furnishings. They use no modern utensils, mechanized equipment or manufactured materials, such as glass or plastic, and no modern device or even domestic animal is used in their traditional swidden rice farming techniques. Within the Baduy territory there is no electricity or other modern conveniences, and no electronic equipment, motor vehicles or other instruments of the outside world are permitted to enter.
Leuit Baduy
There are also small building shaped like house named Leuit. Leuit construct also from natural materials such as bamboo and palm. They fill Leuit with rice plant harvest. The rice plant kept in a very long time in Leuit, it could being kept more than 20 years! Baduy people use Leuit to resolve if someday they must facing the most difficulty in economic.
Cast : Host
Audio : VT
Camera 1 : Medium close up
Host :
“It has been 30 minutes, time for me, Anita Theresia to say good bye. I hope you’ve got something by the coverage today and have a plan to fill your holiday with special adventure and education, surrounding Indonesia.
Camera 2 : Full shoot
Host :
“Don’t forget to watch EXIT, every Saturday at 9 am. So, see you next week and let’s get EXIT, Exotic Indonesian Traditions. Bye!”
X.I. Top View
X.II. Front View
X.III. Side View
XI. Production Method
• Multiple camera studio production, two cameras in iso positions indoor
• Three cameras for VT (Coverage) outdoor
• Rundown (1st episode: The Baduy) :
XII. Crew Posisition
Producer and audio : Dyah Eka Saptaria
Director and Host : Anita Theresia
Cameraman 1 : Donovan Savier
Cameraman 2 : Monika A. Rahmadona
Floor Director : Claudia Novita Tanod
Switcher : Felix Saputra
XIII. Production Log
We take a bilik for the backdrop, because we want to make the studio feels like at Baduy village’s house which is simple, pure from nature, traditional, and also hand made. We think it is unique impressed if we use that, because it is different from the other tv show. Most of all we use bamboo ornaments or garnish because in the baduy we can find and take the bamboo easily. So, our studio concept looks like at baduy village house. Besides that, we use the other properties that made from Baduy which is really chip, so we can press the budget.
XIV. Time Table
XV. Tentative Budged
Production Cost
Personnel Director Rp 0,-
PA Rp 0,-
Floor Manager Rp 0,-
Camera Rp 0,-
VTR Rp 0,-
Scipt writer Rp 0,-
Make up & Wardrobe Rp 0,-
Tour Guide Rp 250.000,-
Equipment and facilities
Studio Rp 0,-
Camera Rp 0,-
Sound Rp 0,-
Lighting Rp 0,-
Mini DV Rp 50.000,-
Accomodation Rp 470.000,-
Logistic Rp 731.000,-
Property Rp 269.000,-
Unexpected Rp 354.000,-
Total Rp 2.124.000,-
Hi Dyah, Just nice to read the story. I like it. I like the way Baduy Tribe become a subject of story. I am in quest of Baduy, the People of Kanekes. We'd like to thank that you have share your favorable time in telling others about this loving community. The Community, the very people about whom we must think and determine the direction of their cultural heritage, so we can preserve the good traits from Baduy and leave the stupidity, if there's any.
BalasHapustbrifki, thank you to visit my blog and thank you to appreciate it. I choosed Baduy become the subject because as far as I know, this community is very special and do exist in Indonesia, that's why I try to explore it in a different way, through a tv production (while to goal my college final exam, tv production subject). And I and my team start from zero, we did the research, and did the production in Baduy, and we've got lots of knowledge and experience about Baduy people, we've had a very good time and fun. Once again, thank you for your attention. Regards, Dyah :)